Friday, May 28, 2010

Giant Woman Strangled Man

Ridere è come fare Ginnastica

According to a U.S. study 'the exercise of smile "does well, and even increases the appetite

LONDON - Laughter is how to do gymnastics: it reduces stress hormones, it's good the immune system, reduces blood pressure and bad cholesterol, increase good one and then increases a little 'appetite, just like exercise. This is the conclusion of a series of studies conducted by Lee Berk of Loma Linda University in California.

RESEARCH - The latest research, presented at the Experimental Biology conference in Anaheim, shows that the exercise smile, dubbed in English Laughercise, increases the appetite hormone, ghrelin, and reduces the break-hunger hormone, leptin. Experts have shown asking a group of volunteers to watch for a few weeks clips from funny comedies or dramas. With blood tests showed the "effect of laughter exercises and the effect on appetite. The repeated exercise of the smile could thus be useful for a variety of diseases in which the appetite is reduced: for example the elderly who suffer from debilitating because sedentary and without appetite. (Source Agency ANSA).

Source: Corriere della Sera


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