Friday, May 28, 2010

Chicago Gay Cruise Signals

Irrigazione and pacciamatura

Per l'agricoltura Sinergica, l’irrigazione che da migliori risultati e danni minori, sia al terreno, sia alle coltivazioni è quella “a goccia”.

Water, this procedure comes out very slowly through small holes in the ground deep es'infiltra without compaction or erosion. Other advantages of drip irrigation are the lower water consumption, elimination of problems arising from wetting of the aerial part of plants and the reduction of thermal shock. There are many different types of drip tubing with very complicated as well as presenting a high cost in time have some problems, such as clogged nozzles, due to calcium deposits and impurities in the water.

This equipment designed primarily for chemical agriculture, where every time you change cultivation and drip tubes are removed and cleaned with acid. For a more permanent system are shown the cheaper and less problematic polyethylene pipes, low pressure and not perforated. For raised beds, typical synergistic agriculture, use pipes from 12 to 16 mm in diameter, once drilled, be routed to 10 cm high from the edges of flower beds and fixed to the ground with metal pins. The holes, spaced 20-30 cm, can be easily applied using a thin red-hot nail or a drill with a tip from 1.5-2 mm. The holes are facing down and placed under the Mulching with two hydrants or connections in each end of the flower or, if the size of the area to irrigate and allow the water pressure, should be attributed to CCTV.

E 'well provided for each coupling a valve to control the flow of water from the main pipe. The latter, larger diameter, will be the backbone for all the hollow places on the flower beds. In a synergistic garden, once installed, the pipes for drip irrigation will remain permanently, and in case of clogging the nozzle, simply repeat other holes ....

17/11/2005 - Fortunato Fabbricini and Antonio De Falco


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