Friday, May 28, 2010

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Omeopatia Tradizionale the medicine? Ecco le cinque domande in ragioni

face face between Christian Boiron, French, president of the company's leading products Homeopathic and Silvio Garattini director of the Mario Negri, Milan

LONDON - The strongest attack came a week ago to homeopathy from the British doctors gathered around the British Medical Association: during the conferenza annuale hanno bollato la medicina alternativa come «stregoneria» , spiegando che il servizio sanitario inglese non dovrebbe sperperare i soldi per una pratica senza efficacia terapeutica. Di contro, ci sono le statistiche a confermare l'interesse crescente nei confronti della «medicina dolce»: soltanto in Italia, negli ultimi 15 anni, il numero di pazienti che si affidano all'omeopatia è cresciuto del 65 per cento. Il rapporto Eurispes del 2010 segnala che i pazienti sono passati in dieci anni dal 10,6 al 18,5 per cento. Omeopatia o medicina tradizionale? A discutere della validità dei due metodi sono intervenuti ieri pomeriggio, durante un convegno organizzato dalla Fondazione Corriere, Christian Boiron, presidente dei Laboratoires Boiron, leader mondiale nella produzione di farmaci omeopatici, e il professor Silvio Garattini, direttore e fondatore dell'Istituto di ricerche farmacologiche «Mario Negri». Moderati dal dottor Luigi Ripamonti, si sono scambiati pareri e qualche reciproca frecciata. «L'unica cosa che noi due abbiamo in comune è possedere una casa nella stessa località francese», ha detto Garattini. «Sono colpito dallo scetticismo del professor Garattini ogni volta che parla di omeopatia». In cinque domande sintetizziamo il pensiero dei due scienziati.

1. La medicina omeopatica ha la stessa effectiveness of the traditional? This is a science, "new" or otherwise its effectiveness has been tested on a large number of patients is testimony to the validity?

Christian Boiron-an ancient science practiced in 50 countries

There is no idea that it can last over two centuries in the meantime if they have been shown to be effective: Homeopathy is a science ancient, known since the fifth century and was reintroduced in the nineteenth century by German physician Hahnemann. Today it is practiced by many physicians in over 50 different countries: where some of the remedies of traditional medicine fail, homeopathy can to provide answers. Now we would like homeopathy became part of hospital treatment protocols.

Silvio Garattini-Used for minor illnesses, colds
The fact that there are people who use a product is not necessarily proof of its effectiveness. The science of homeopathy has been contradicted by the Avogadro number (when it exceeds a certain homeopathic dilution in the homeopathic remedy does not exist any more molecules). This is evidenced by the fact that homeopathy is often used to treat minor illnesses like colds and coughs, which would heal with the passing of days even spontaneously.

2. What are the active ingredients of a homeopathic preparation and what is their value compared to a preparation of medical policy? Can be cured with homeopathy diseases such as diabetes and cancer?

Christian Boiron-Preparations are being studied for each patient
diagnosis in homeopathy is to identify the preparation right for each patient. The choice of drug depends on the individual reaction to the disease, including mental homeopathic medicines in the active, present in traditional medicines, consists of a number of molecules obtained by successive dilutions in water. Even the Nobel Prize Montagnier argues that the molecules have the ability to maintain their biological capacities, even if highly diluted in water.

Silvio Garattini-No active ingredients are fresh water
The absence of active ingredients in homeopathic medicines make them similar to "fresh water". Substituting for the labels to play a number of homeopathic bottles, no scientist would know then place them back to their original place: this is because there are no specific molecules that make a recognizable product over another. Not even the same Boiron would use a homeopathic medicine to treat diseases such as cancer and diabetes, but also a more mundane neck.

3. What are the contraindications of homeopathy? There is a risk that a preparation can be detrimental to the health of the patient or the dilution makes the medicine more tolerable than a traditional medicine?

Christian Boiron-Delete the side effects
Homeopathic medicine, thanks to the high dilution, it has no side effect on patients who are administered. The homeopathic medicines are safe for very young children, e per le donne che ne fanno uso durante la gravidanza. Anche per questo motivo l’omeopatia si pone come una valida alternativa alla medicina tradizionale, che invece, ogni anno miete vittime per gli effetti collaterali: il numero delle morti per uso di farmaci allopatici è in crescita.

Silvio Garattini -La controindicazione è la sua inefficacia
La controindicazione della medicina omeopatica è principalmente la sua inefficacia perché, in estrema sintesi, tutto ciò che viene somministrato non contiene nulla. Rovesciando la prospettiva, è lo stesso motivo per cui i rimedi omeopatici non possono essere ritenuti dannosi. Nessuno prende un farmaco perché non «faccia evil, "but rather because they" make good ": the side effect of conventional drugs is offset by its scientific effectiveness.

4. Why a homeopathic preparation can be sold without permission EMEA? Where can I buy homeopathic remedies, and what is their cost?

Christian Boiron-In Italy 25 000 doctors prescribe them
In Italy the Boiron homeopathic medicines since 1995, obtained permission to trade on the basis of a notification to the ministry. The EMEA (European Medicines Agency) receives only the permissions 'Centralized' we are concerned instead of getting the country to country. Homeopathic medicines are commonly found in common medications and their cost is low. The doctors who prescribe them in Italy are more than 25 000: This is the third European market for homeopathic products after France and Germany.

Silvio Garattini-No indication
In many European countries, homeopathic remedies can not contain the indication, because they are not considered drugs, but for goods. Homeopaths claim that the dilutions are accompanied by "shaking" of the solution: these vibrations would allow the chemical to leave a track in the water where the substance has been dissolved. It is the "memory of water ', repeatedly denied. One must be careful to use ineffective drugs when conventional medicine offers safe means.

5. Homeopathic medicine has a wide following among people of culture medium-high. How do you explain this coincidence? Most information related to the level of education or is it a fashion?

Christian Boiron-awareness, not a fashion
do not like to define fashion, nor as a status symbol, but it seems to me that awareness. Our patient type is medium-high, but those who truly represents the women. Especially mothers, who after trying to treat her son with traditional methods, solve the recurrent nasopharyngitis winter thanks to the use of the granules. The homeopathic medicines are non-toxic and do not have additives.

Silvio Garattini-There is a surge in sales
I do not think much to the "soaring" sales of homeopathic products because I know that the turnover of pharmaceutical companies specializing is still modest. As for the audience, I do not wonder that a person educated to an average essere sedotta dall’idea dell’omeopatia: questo è dovuto dalla mancanza di un’educazione scientifica nelle scuole. Chi studia Giurisprudenza o Filosofia non viene mai a conoscenza della legge di Avogadro, che smantella l’intero impianto della omeopatia.

Michela Proietti


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