Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Watch Le Portrait De Petit Cossette Online

fun elements of the natural seascape

We acquire the vocabulary necessary to describe the natural elements typical of the marine environment: the meaning of the words we read and see pictures.

Costa : the part of an area washed by the sea.
The costs can be high and rocky or sandy low and .

The coast may projections (parts of the costs that go into the sea) and recesses (curves within which enters the sea water); the latter are also called creeks.

not very large inlets are called coves or bays ; wider creek is called Gulf.

Part of the High cliffs jutting into the sea is called promontory.

A ' island is a land surrounded by sea.

A archipelago is a group of islands close together.

A peninsula is joined to the mainland on one side and the other sides to the sea.
One is a narrow strip of sea between two lands, links the two seas or two sea areas.
A isthmus is a narrow strip of land between two seas and two stretches of sea, can unite two continents, or can combine a peninsula to the mainland.
often form near the coast of ponds: are collections of water marshes, shallow and not extensive.
A Lagoon is a pool of salt water, near the coast, separated from the sea by a strip of land where there are openings (ports) through which water enters the sea.


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