Saturday, February 26, 2011

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The Indus Valley civilization

L ' Indus is a river that rises on the high mountains of' Himalaya , a very large mountain range in Asia. Even the ' Everest, the highest mountain in the world, is part of the Himalayas.

River Indo crosses a large plain : the Indus Valley .
ancient flood plain of the river did this become fertile. In summer, in fact, the water slowly flooding the fields and the ground covered with mud.
The Indus plain has been inhabited since 5000 BC (seven years).

Indus Valley Farmers cultivated cereals, especially wheat and barley .
Over time, people learned to control and use the flooding of the river, so the land have collected more rich, abundant.
Therefore in this region, around 2500 BC (four thousand five hundred years ago) was born Indus Valley civilization.
have arisen and villages were built the first city . The most important were Harappa and Mohenjo Daro .

The inhabitants of the Indus Valley produced more grain than they need to eat and live. The cereals were more used to trade, that were given other peoples in exchange for other products: the Indians gave merchants cereals in exchange for metals (tin, copper, gold and silver) and precious stones, with which the craftsmen fabricated tools, useful objects in everyday life day, jewelry and ornaments very beautiful and elegant.
The merchants were also selling timber and ceramic , that is, worked and cooked in clay ovens. also built toys for children : carts pulled by small figurines of animals, spinning tops and dolls.
The inhabitants of the Indus Valley also cultivated cotton plants . With cotton produced fabrics , ie fabrics.
The clay of the river was used to build bricks and various objects.

Among the objects found by archaeologists, there are many seals .
The seals were small pieces of stone or metal, which had drawings or engraved letters, that is excavated. When a seal was pressed firmly onto a piece of clay, clay or wax, leaving an imprint.
Probably the seals were used to mark the goods and indicate the person who produced or delivered the goods.
Archaeologists have found the ancient Indian seals in Mesopotamia. This suggests that the merchants of the Indus Valley traveling in countries far away.
on the seals there are drawings of animals (usually fancy), but also some writing. This tells us that the inhabitants of the Indus Valley used the writing. But scholars have not yet deciphered, that is understood and translated this writing.

The ancient inhabitants of the Indus Valley lived in villages and towns.
In cities built c ase spacious and comfortable : many had their services toilet and the water was also on the upper floors, the floors were tiled. In the cities there were
buildings and warehouses where the crops were kept . In the warehouses there were pipes, ie pipes to transport and circulate the air inside the rooms. The air circulation was better preserve the stored products.
Many pipes carrying water to the city : it says that formed the water supply (water pipes). There was also a network of f ognature ie tubes which were used to carry waste water out of the city. So the dirty water do not stagnate near the houses. In this way serious diseases do not spread, that is, not many people were sick.
In town there was usually a large pool , with a system to heat water. Probably the priests purified themselves in the pool before religious ceremonies.

not know well and do not know why this civilization at some point has disappeared. We only know that the cities were abandoned around 1700 BC (tremilasettecento years ago).
After the cities were abandoned in 1500 BC came the Aryan people, nomads who came from the North.


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