Monday, February 28, 2011

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Dear friends, after spending a whole month to publish, with the rate of five days, graphic novels, comes the month of March, which, I fear, vuoimper want a reason for another, will not be as prolific as in February .
But after the crazy month, will reach many new stories, and maybe even a better news. We'll
vedere.Per the time I wish you a good evening and I'm waiting with many visits!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

How To Enter Channels

"The legend of the white blackbird"

are back tales of animals with the history of the last month of our friends Febbraio.I Paci Francesco and Giacomo Leopardi us to understand the uniqueness of the blackbird and the origin of its white plumage. Comics
Distributed by FISA, all created by Francesco Paci.

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The Indus Valley civilization

L ' Indus is a river that rises on the high mountains of' Himalaya , a very large mountain range in Asia. Even the ' Everest, the highest mountain in the world, is part of the Himalayas.

River Indo crosses a large plain : the Indus Valley .
ancient flood plain of the river did this become fertile. In summer, in fact, the water slowly flooding the fields and the ground covered with mud.
The Indus plain has been inhabited since 5000 BC (seven years).

Indus Valley Farmers cultivated cereals, especially wheat and barley .
Over time, people learned to control and use the flooding of the river, so the land have collected more rich, abundant.
Therefore in this region, around 2500 BC (four thousand five hundred years ago) was born Indus Valley civilization.
have arisen and villages were built the first city . The most important were Harappa and Mohenjo Daro .

The inhabitants of the Indus Valley produced more grain than they need to eat and live. The cereals were more used to trade, that were given other peoples in exchange for other products: the Indians gave merchants cereals in exchange for metals (tin, copper, gold and silver) and precious stones, with which the craftsmen fabricated tools, useful objects in everyday life day, jewelry and ornaments very beautiful and elegant.
The merchants were also selling timber and ceramic , that is, worked and cooked in clay ovens. also built toys for children : carts pulled by small figurines of animals, spinning tops and dolls.
The inhabitants of the Indus Valley also cultivated cotton plants . With cotton produced fabrics , ie fabrics.
The clay of the river was used to build bricks and various objects.

Among the objects found by archaeologists, there are many seals .
The seals were small pieces of stone or metal, which had drawings or engraved letters, that is excavated. When a seal was pressed firmly onto a piece of clay, clay or wax, leaving an imprint.
Probably the seals were used to mark the goods and indicate the person who produced or delivered the goods.
Archaeologists have found the ancient Indian seals in Mesopotamia. This suggests that the merchants of the Indus Valley traveling in countries far away.
on the seals there are drawings of animals (usually fancy), but also some writing. This tells us that the inhabitants of the Indus Valley used the writing. But scholars have not yet deciphered, that is understood and translated this writing.

The ancient inhabitants of the Indus Valley lived in villages and towns.
In cities built c ase spacious and comfortable : many had their services toilet and the water was also on the upper floors, the floors were tiled. In the cities there were
buildings and warehouses where the crops were kept . In the warehouses there were pipes, ie pipes to transport and circulate the air inside the rooms. The air circulation was better preserve the stored products.
Many pipes carrying water to the city : it says that formed the water supply (water pipes). There was also a network of f ognature ie tubes which were used to carry waste water out of the city. So the dirty water do not stagnate near the houses. In this way serious diseases do not spread, that is, not many people were sick.
In town there was usually a large pool , with a system to heat water. Probably the priests purified themselves in the pool before religious ceremonies.

not know well and do not know why this civilization at some point has disappeared. We only know that the cities were abandoned around 1700 BC (tremilasettecento years ago).
After the cities were abandoned in 1500 BC came the Aryan people, nomads who came from the North.

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Mohenjo Daro, the city of the dead

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Let's Jam Radioactive Song

"The wolf and the goat"

proceeds of the collection of animal fables of the Fabric Strips Italian Animate.Questa time is the turn of Giulia Sorrentino in the role of a narrator ' interesting story, which Calls to always use caution against the wicked.
drawings, inking and assembly of Francesco Paci. Distributed by
branch FISA Comics.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Jacuzzi Has Black Specks

"The fox and the crow"

We welcome the fifth story of the series of Tales of Animals and the World, told by our friends in the universe FISA! The following story teach you how to live off the backs of the flatterers vain.
Entirely made by Francesco Paci, is distributed and produced by the FISA Comics Animated Strips Italian Factory.

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masks to color and cut

many masks to print, paint, trim and wear: two links, among the many that you can search the Internet for fun activities on the Carnival. To print the above pictures, enlarge them by clicking with the mouse first.

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Women's Day promotion

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Pain In The Thigh After Ovulation

"Why does the cat clean up after Musino I ate "

Back to the review of the fables of animals with our friends Michael and Francis Colvetti Paci.Una new story that will explain the cat's habit of wiping his nose just after finishing the meal.
drawings, inking and editing by Francesco Paci.Distribuito FISA Comics, Animated strips produced by the Italian factory.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Katesplayground 2010 Full Set

" One obvious answer "

Comic Strips are also back, with Michele Colvetti in action! Always
by Francesco Paci, the strip is distributed by branch FISA Comics.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Age Of Empires 2 Gamecopyworld

Carnival masks

mask print, color, cut and wear for Carnival: Just a quick Internet search to find many . The nicest I've found are those of the trick that afternoon CBeebies website, BBC. You can find them through the following link:

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Lets Jam Radioactive Song

Tales of Animals and the World

Finally, came the poster series of stories told by our friends!
As you can see from our newly formed trio were joined by Julia Sorrentino, Michele and Vittorio Colvetti Maneschi, which will appear in the stories below.
soon with more news!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Woodbury New York Hermes

" The importance of the letter Y "

Returns the number of stories proposed by our friends, with the arrival of Alessandro Manzoni and Giacomo Leopardi, together with Francesco Paci.Questa time, we understand why the letter "Y", little or not used in the Italian language and Fisaliana in that, it plays a role of no small importanza.Disegni, inking and assembly of the branch Francis Paci.Distribuito FISA Comics.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Unregistering New Ipod

" The dove and the ant "

moving forward very fast overview of the stories told by our friends.This time is the turn of the story on the dove and the ant, a perfect example of mutual aid and generosity, narrated by James Leopardi.Il drawing, inking and assembly are Francesco Paci.Distribuito by FISA Comics.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Watch Le Portrait De Petit Cossette Online

fun elements of the natural seascape

We acquire the vocabulary necessary to describe the natural elements typical of the marine environment: the meaning of the words we read and see pictures.

Costa : the part of an area washed by the sea.
The costs can be high and rocky or sandy low and .

The coast may projections (parts of the costs that go into the sea) and recesses (curves within which enters the sea water); the latter are also called creeks.

not very large inlets are called coves or bays ; wider creek is called Gulf.

Part of the High cliffs jutting into the sea is called promontory.

A ' island is a land surrounded by sea.

A archipelago is a group of islands close together.

A peninsula is joined to the mainland on one side and the other sides to the sea.
One is a narrow strip of sea between two lands, links the two seas or two sea areas.
A isthmus is a narrow strip of land between two seas and two stretches of sea, can unite two continents, or can combine a peninsula to the mainland.
often form near the coast of ponds: are collections of water marshes, shallow and not extensive.
A Lagoon is a pool of salt water, near the coast, separated from the sea by a strip of land where there are openings (ports) through which water enters the sea.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Cameltoe After An Accident

" The sun and the moon "

continue the series of tales told by Paci Francesco and Giacomo Leopardi, one of the most interesting stories of the African continent, which will make us understand why the Moon appears as yellow and is visible only at night.
Created by Francesco Paci, distributed by branch FISA Comics.

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