Sunday, April 18, 2010

Does Keri Russell Smoke

A vineyard in Friuli Venezia Giulia:
is the dream of Gerard Depardieu

would like to find a vineyard in Friuli Venezia Giulia, "so, with two or three friends." The great French actor, spokesperson of the white wines of Friuli Venezia Giulia, in Verona admits to wanting to spend "only the best, such as prosciutto di San Daniele and Frico. The worst of it giving up"

Depardieu CirianiVERONA with Vice-President. Gerard Depardieu dreams of "a small vineyard in Friuli Venezia Giulia, as well, with two or three friends, a kind of 'retreat in a corner of the Italy that he is" a country of miracles, where is the worst and the best in the world. "" I - he says to Vinitaly, in Verona, in Friuli Venezia Giulia on the stand as a testimonial handsomely paid by the Region, while continuing to enhance the Prosciutto di San Daniele and frico - are interested in the better: the worse giving up ".

and to indicate the best things in Italy, Depardieu does not hesitate." Italians - he explains - the people. As people worry about the other, the earth as respects the nature. "And his" small vineyard in Friuli Venezia Giulia?. "" It's a project. We'll see. I'd like. "The French actor, producer of great wines in France and its known worldwide as a refined gourmet already cultivated a vineyard on the island Pantelleria, a monastery, where he produces and Zibibbo Passito. For

Depardieu, "has the energy that's in Friuli Venezia Giulia and its people, a great little area: small in size - said on the stand made by Turismo FVG - great for people who live and products it offers, such as wood that the region chose to build his stand, warm and clear. "

Vinitaly French actor speaks without hesitation of the great love he has for all regions of Italy." I like to bring house the treasures of the gastronomy of each region of Italy '- he says - to be able to prepare new dishes. "

Even with the frico?" I do not know - he admits - and I was very impressed. We will use this to make a dish - anticipates turning to his friend, chef Lorenzo Audiot of 'La Fontaine Gaillon' de Paris, and the Vice-President of the Friuli Venezia Giulia, Luca Ciriani - perhaps with asparagus, olive oil, a piece of grilled polenta. .. and that's it. "

For the French actor Gerard Depardieu, is the Collio Bianco 2009 'Zuani' holding of Patrizia Felluga of San Floriano del Collio (Gorizia), the Top White Wine of Friuli Venezia Giulia Vinitaly 2010. Depardieu has chosen after a tasting "blind", that covered the bottles with the labels, who made today at the booth of Friuli Venezia Giulia Vinitaly.

"The best thing about these wines - said Depardieu - is being made respecting nature. It 'hard to choose. Each of these glasses is like a beautiful woman is hard to choose. "

A Friulian wine you have ever helped to seduce a woman, asked shortly after a fan while the actor was leaving the Vinitaly in a real huge crowd. "Of course it is, many times. Can not you see I'm full of women, "she said pointing to the girls around him.

Zuani is a blend that takes its name from the hill where the vineyards are born. E 'consists of Friulano, Chardonnay, Sauvignon and Pinot Grigio, "but - says Patrizia Felluga - the ingredients are the real earth, the atmosphere, passion, love, strength, persone del territorio che produce it. Poi ciascun vignaiolo mette la sensibilité your questions and fa sì che la nostra Doc diventi nel mondo big apprezzata, anche senza leggere l'etichetta.
(10 aprile 2010)


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