Monday, April 26, 2010

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Ortho planetario and vie d'acqua con l'una sfida al Expo

the Project for the 'Milan Expo messages against Pessimism

C' is the project of ' planetary garden with the city of green and 'water theme park and dream of a salon' s power. It's a positive message that pierces the pessimism of these times: c 'is a future that is called Milano 2015. We must make it known in detail, now, to imagine the effects of the city and country, but also to build around the complexity of an issue such as that of 'power scenario of opportunities for young people: research,' agriculture, universities, the world production and trade, tourism and environmental communication. The 'euphoria of Mayor Moratti, who along with President Formigoni and all' CEO Stanca was right yesterday as an ambassador of Expo 2015, has yet to deal with the delicate bureaucratic process that passes through the comments of the Commissioners of the Bureau International des Expositions , but the trip to Milan to the greenhouses with the biosphere, agricultural products than 150 countries and practices of food processing, started, no going back. It will be good to steer clear of controversy and the poisons of politics now that the low road to 2015 is plain, and to concentrate forces and resources to involve a city still skeptical and a little attracted by 'event. It's almost a paradox of the distance from Milan 'Expo, while dozens of other cities and municipalities create departments and committees, travel to play a role in the match on the sustainability and enhancement products. Disputes over governance and game areas, with volumes of swollen expectations for the post, points remain to be clarified. As the infrastructure for the 'access to the exhibition area, south of Milan, or the guarantee of having a city nice and cozy for the Milanese and 20 million visitors expected. There 's plenty to do (and do well), but the real challenge that Milan and its mayor is playing really is to become an' opportunity for the innovative 'whole food chain, the place where knowledge and expertise to cultivate thousands of young people. When it comes to the concept of revolution and Expo to find forms of livelihood for poor countries, it also envisions a center of 'power, a museum of food, a school for technicians and managers and we think of the talents and creativity of the poles of scientific 'area of \u200b\u200bMilan. See the Champs Elysees in Paris turned into a botanical garden on May 22 for the feast of biodiversity will be confirmed che non siamo più soli, l 'intuizione è stata di buona Letizia Moratti, con l' Expo Milano della sostenibilità ha il anticipato future (the Pensare senza un 'altra Tour Eiffel). Giangiacomo Schiavi RIPRODUZIONE RESERVED

Giangiacomo Schiavi

(27 aprile 2010) - Corriere della Sera

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Mosin Rifle Should Buy

Primer future of bodybuilding tips and smart features news

IARA Biderman collaboration for the Sheet

finished with just the extreme oppositions , was when bodybuilding or object of hatred or adoration. Today, it is essential to the health and quality of life. See how this goes strength in this A to Z booklet, made with a lot of experts. Anabolic
When used by healthy people, these synthetic hormones cause, in addition to muscular hypertrophy, serious injury, warns Vladimir Modolo, the Center for Psychobiology of UNIFESP year. "Too much testosterone in men decreases sperm production and erection ability and causes the growth of breasts, in women, body hair grows and thickens in the face and voice. In both, can cause heart problems and tumors "he says.
Aerobic and anaerobic exercises involving large muscle groups, done rhythmically, like running, swimming and walking, are aerobic, not interfere with the supply of oxygen to the body. His practice lowers blood pressure, body fat and risk of cardiovascular disease. Since strength training is anaerobic exercise, of short duration and high intensity. "The benefits include increased strength and resilience of tendons and ligaments, reducing fat and increasing muscle mass," says Tricoli Valmor, professor of Physical Education and Sports of the USP. The ideal is to practice the aerobic and anaerobic bacteria on alternate days. "Each one causes adaptive changes in the body that 'fight' each other," says Bernardo Neme Ide of the Labex (Laboratory of Biochemistry of Exercise) of Unicamp.


As the name delivery, this science investigates the movement under mechanical aspects, its causes and its effects on the body.

"In strength training, you put an extra load on bones and joints. In this situation, it is essential to observe the alignment of the segments-like head on the trunk or the hip in relation to toe-to activate correct muscle groups involved and to avoid silenciosa de lesões", explica Luiz Fernando Alves, formado em esportes pela USP, com especialização em biomecânica. Segundo ele, alguns ajustes biomecânicos previnem machucados e dores e aumentam a eficácia do treino. Um exemplo: em qualquer exercício feito em pé, o peso do corpo deve estar na parte anterior (frente) dos pés. Isso facilita o trabalho dos abdominais e distribui melhor a carga entre as vértebras da coluna.
Chegou neste mês às farmácias do país um medicamento à base de creatina, aprovado para pacientes que sofrem de distrofia muscular. O remédio só deve ser vendido com apresentação de receita. Presente naturalmente nos músculos e na beef, creatine is sold without restrictions in the U.S. and used by athletes to improve performance, since it is involved in the process of rapid and intense muscle contraction. In Brazil, is being consumed illegally, but their sale should be released as a supplement to the middle of the year. The supplement, in addition to restock natural creatine (burned in physical activity), makes the athlete recover faster. But it is not suitable for anyone, just for the high yield and specific sports, like weightlifting. "It is believed that it increases muscle mass, but if consumed in excess, increases the amount of water within the muscle. This can overload the kidneys and liver, "Jomar Souza, sports physician and president-elect of the Brazilian Society of Exercise Medicine and Sports.


gain muscle mass and strength occurs after exercise. "During training, did not win, we lose: the energy required to produce contractions, muscle proteins are degraded, which causes tissue microdamage and inflammation. The body begins, then a recovery process in which, in addition to replacing the protein, generates a few more, increasing muscle mass. For this, we need rest and adequate food, "says Guedes Pinto Dilmar Jr. of Cepe (Center for Studies of Exercise Physiology) at UNIFESP.'s at home that started to produce hormones like IGF 1 (growth factor Insulin Type 1), which "signals" the body what it needs to produce protein molecules, according to Denise Vaz de Macedo, coordinator of Labex. Sleeping well is also essential to produce the GH (growth hormone), another substance responsible for building muscle tissue. To this process happens, the exercised muscles should not be subjected to overload for a period ranging from 24 to 72 hours. "If the muscle pain caused by exercise ainda estiver incomodando, é sinal de que o processo ainda não se completou", sugere Macedo.
O exercício de explosão exige grande quantidade de força em alta velocidade. "São bons para melhorar a performance em esportes, mas a definição e a hipertrofia não são tão significativas quanto nos exercícios convencionais de musculação", diz Bernardo Neme Ide, do Labex. Movimentos de explosão não são indicados para iniciantes.
Exercícios de força podem evitar, diminuir ou reverter parte da perda muscular que ocorre na velhice. "O aumento no volume dos músculos eleva a sua força para as atividades físicas diárias, giving greater autonomy to the elderly, "says nutritionist Mirtes Stancanelli." Joints are better protected, improve balance and posture, reducing the risk of falls, "says cardiologist Joseph Lazzoli Kawazoe, president of the Brazilian Society of Sports Medicine and Exercise.
Flexibility Strength training itself does not reduce the flexibility or shortens the muscles, says Guedes Pinto Dilmar Jr. "What can hinder movements are made in the wrong way, leading to postural mistakes that end up reducing the amplitude of movements of muscle groups "he says.


To perform the contractions, we use energy stored in your muscle cells. When this stock runs out, however much the brain "to order" movement, for the muscle to contract and go into muscle fatigue. "It is a defense system of the muscle, which does not allow the effort to continue past its limit. If, after this is done a sufficient rest, it recovers," said tramadol. But Cohen warns that when we got to fatigue have already exceeded our limits and risk of injury increases dramatically.

Fiber fast and slow fiber

Bodybuilding can prioritize the work of one or another type of fiber, depending on the goal. "One complements the other," says the professor of the Faculty of Physical Education at Unicamp Mara Patricia Chacon, Mikhail. Muscle fibers "slow" have more nerves per unit. "This feature allows movements to be made with greater precision and control. Thus, the muscle work longer, the risk of injury is minor and the training also improves coordination. Is avoided, thus the famous 'roubadinha' which often hurts the bones and joints, "said Luiz Fernando Alves, clinical manager of Dynamic Forces. Since the fast fibers have a lower number of neurons connected to each unit. The exercises for these, they last a few seconds, because they get fatigued quickly. "These fibers increase more volume than others, but a large increase in muscle mass is only achieved with very high loads. If the goal is quality of life, the training should be done with a proper load for the individual to do more sets and reps, "she recommends.


The increase in muscle mass occurs when the muscle after "spend" their proteins to perform the contractions start to produce new and more protein. According to Vladimir Madol of Cepe, exercise, adequate rest and food, you can increase up to 50% muscle mass naturally, ie without the use of anabolic drugs.
Hypertension According to the cardiologist Joseph Lazzoli, scientific studies show that weight training decreases blood pressure. This effect is greater in the aerobic exercise, but the two activities, the pressure remains at lower levels by 24 hours. "There is a physiologic increase in pressure at the execution of the exercise, but there is no risk of causing a hypertensive peak fitness," he says.

isometric and isotonic

Isometric is when the muscle length does not change during exercise: the contraction is maintained for at least 30 seconds without motion. Isotonic exercise is the most widely used classes of bodybuilding. The joint moves, causing the muscle to contract and extend, using the same amount of force to change its length. "It's used when there is joint damage, muscle strengthening before returning to normal activity," says Richard Nahas, scientific director of the SBME.


Strength exercises can detonate as both strengthen and protect your knees. One caution is to do aerobic exercise ever before bodybuilding, in view of the physiotherapist Marcelo Semiatzh, Force Dynamics, "The training produces a neurological interference that will hamper the control of the leg later in the race or walk. In the leg extension of the weight room, for example, one is extending the tibia and knee forcing hypertension. If it goes from there to walk, this movement will play in the march and to expose the knee to a higher risk, "argues Semiatzh. In his view, it is also important to observe the external rotation of the knees during the workout, trying to overcome the tendency we have of turning the knees inward when we perform the movement or even when we are standing still. Perform repetitive motion injuries
the wrong way, not respecting the rest period for muscle recovery and use very heavy loads are the main causes of injuries related to bodybuilding. "A movement that moves the joint into a repeated chronically wrong side can make in everyday activities, like walking, the joint position the musculoskeletal system improperly, damaging not only the articulation and posture as a whole," says Madol . The movement or the wrong posture can cause other muscle group, not directly involved in the exercise that is being performed, make compensatory movements to support the effort, and end up injuring it.

Repetitive movements can also cause the microdamage in muscles and joints and increase the inflammatory process, which is the body's response to heal the lesions become chronic. "Besides the chronic inflammation that can lead to rupture of the muscle or tendon," adds tramadol. If microdamage attitudes become chronic tendons, can become tendinitis (inflammation at the site) or tendinosis, which is the degeneration of the tendon, according to Nahas. The rupture of muscle also can occur when it is subjected to a load which is not yet adapted. "Excess weight on the muscles can cause muscle strain or rupture, rupture or inflammation of the tendon or bone fractures due to stress," says Moses Cohen. The repetitive stress can also lead to stress fracture, he said.
multiarticular are exercises that move more than one joint and therefore more than one muscle group. Are closer to the physiological movements, including several muscular chains holding opposing forces of contraction and extension. "The multi-joint are more complex, activate more and neuromotor neuromuscular circuit and facilitate the acquisition of 'memory' of the movement, since they correspond better to the way we move in usual activities, "says Nahas.

Neuromuscular and neuromotor

The neuromuscular system is the connection from the brain to the muscles, which causes movement or gesture to happen. "The brain sends the message 'contract' and the neurons to take up the muscle. She arrives at the nerve endings of muscles and joints, the neuromotor system, which responds to the movement, "says Madol. That is, every piece of weight training begins na cabeça. A forma inteligente de treinar é imaginar antes o movimento que será executado, ativando assim o sistema neuromuscular e favorecendo a postura e a execução corretas do movimento. "Além disso, pesquisas apontam que esse trabalho cerebral prévio aumenta a estimulação das fibras musculares, o que teoricamente pode aumentar o ganho de massa muscular", conta Madolo.


A musculação previne e combate a perda da densidade do osso, que caracteriza a osteoporose. "Ela funciona como uma poupança: a pessoa perde menos músculo e de forma mais lenta, mantendo a boa qualidade do osso", diz Márcio Passini, presidente Disease Osteometabolic Committee of the Brazilian Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology.
According to him, who have osteoporosis should work your abs and waist muscles to strengthen the spine, running and doing exercises with weights, to benefit the hips - areas most affected by bone loss. Proteins
If the muscles increase in volume, you must consume more protein. But not much. "Who goes to the gym and there is increasing muscle mass needs to consume between 1.4 g and 2 g of protein per pound of weight," says Scantanelli. For example, who weighs 70 kg fills that gap with a daily cup of milk, a pot of yogurt, 100 g of chicken fillet, 100 g fish and 30 g of cheese (nothing that surpasses a normal pattern of meals). "The body does not reserve protein. The excess is excreted through urine, used for energy or will accumulate as fat," says Denise Denise Vaz de Macedo, the Labex. Because excess protein also acts in the process of crystal formation, can lead to formation of kidney stones, according Scantanelli.

Proprioception is the ability to sense the position and body movement in space and adjust the joints and muscles to maintain balance. "In the ligaments, neurons have that tell the brain that motion is necessary to maintain stability, "says Nahas. Do strength exercises on a ball, for example, increases proprioception. implies greater body awareness and sense of balance.


Certinho, correctly, nobody is. But in time to start working with weights, it's good to pay close attention to posture. Ideally, before the person to undergo a postural assessment seriously. "deviations, asymmetries and offsets posture of each must be considered for the training is adjusted to that body and not aggravate a framework that can lead to chronic injury. It is important to detect postural changes in each person to teach her to train in a way to correct that condition and do not overload areas of the body, because of her stance, as is demanded on a daily basis, "says coach Luiz Fernando Alves.


free weights and bars are usually given free to those already familiar with bodybuilding, because they require more coordination between the muscles involved. "It is better to be together while doing free weight because if there is a failure of muscle or the person does not hold the weight, it does not pode largá- lo, como no aparelho. Alguém tem que tirar o peso", afirma Valéria Bonganha, do Laboratório de Fisiologia do Exercício da Faculdade de Educação Física da Unicamp. A barra livre permite trabalhar a coordenação muscular. Quanto maior a coordenação, maior a carga que se consegue levantar. "Isso é importante no dia a dia e para quem quer hipertrofiar", diz Valéria Bonganha.

Qualidade de vida

Apesar de ser o efeito mais visível da musculação, a questão estética é só uma das consequências, e não a mais importante, segundo Ricardo Nahas. "O fortalecimento muscular permite que realizemos better all the activities of everyday life, help prevent sports injuries, etc. maintain bone mass. "he says. Muscle strengthening is also indicated for treatment and control of arthritis." The more developed musculature absorbs impact on joints to protect them, "says Ricardo Cury orthopedist. It also makes the heart work by improving blood return of the body's extremities to the heart.


doing more repetitions with lighter weights or less repetitions with more load has a similar effect on weight loss and fat. Guedes Pinto said Dilmar Jr. of Cepe, more reps with light weights develop more endurance, and less exercise more load lead to greater hypertrophy. "For those who just want to maintain muscle mass, is indicated to do more repetitions with less weight," says Ricardo Cury, sports physician and orthopedic surgeon at Santa Casa de São Paulo. Meals
not worth eating poorly and think that is guaranteed under isotonic. "The food throughout the day creates reserves that make a difference. If one trains in the morning, is the carbohydrate you ate for dinner that takes effect. When trains full of carbohydrates, do not lose weight," says nutritionist Cynthia Antonaccio. The ideal is to replenish nutrients in the first hour post-workout. "The windows do organismo estão abertas e sedentas. Os nutrientes serão aproveitados, e não estocados em forma de gordura. E o organismo se recupera mais rápido", diz Scantanelli. Só não vale exagerar: 30 g a 60 g de carboidrato bastam.
O músculo cria novas fibras quando submetido ao esforço do peso extra. E não são só os pesos livres, caneleiras ou aparelhos que proporcionam essa sobrecarga. O peso do próprio corpo também cumpre a função. A carga máxima é o maior peso que a pessoa consegue levantar uma única vez. "No treino voltado para a saúde, a sobrecarga é de 40% a 50% da carga máxima para cada pessoa", diz Lazzoli.


supplementation of vitamins and minerals is no consensus in Brazil, but there are professionals who hold it. "I consider it prudent to include a multivitamin to fill what the latest research shows: the Brazilian does not consume enough vegetables and fruits," says Cynthia Antonaccio. The biochemist Julius Tirapeg, author of "Nutrition, Metabolism and Supplementation on Physical Activity" (Atheneu ed.), disagrees. He said only top athletes who make the sport his profession, should refer to the supplement. "Otherwise it is a waste of time and money. The supplement is fine when the person has a disability nutrition. "


Strictly, tone is the minimum that the muscle contraction is at rest." Only when we die we lose tone. This idea of \u200b\u200b'toning' muscles is something that the academies sell, but does not mean anything, "says Madol. The term was first used to decouple the weight of excess hypertrophy. Who does not want bulging muscles, tones up just wanting to say them. "Where there is effective work force, there is some increase in muscle," he says. Tone, then, is used to indicate a mild to moderate hypertrophy. Since the "definition muscle "is, according Madol, moderate weight gain.

functional training

is a strength training in which various muscle groups are involved in the execution of each exercise, as in movements performed on the day or to practice some sport. To develop strength, using multiple muscle groups simultaneously. "The functional training using elastic bands, pulleys or weight of the body, which impose a lesser burden on the body," says Cohen. Second Cury, the global work-which includes all muscle groups, decreases the risk of injury.


Want to be getting stronger and bulking up in unnatural proportions, whatever the cost, is a disease and has a name: vigorexia. All Vigorexia makes exaggerated weight. Not necessarily because they enjoy the exercise itself, but because that is an indispensable means to achieve its goal of ideal body. Since only the exercises are not enough, because of the distorted body image, these people will be using anabolic drugs that pose a health risk and cause mood changes such as depression and anxiety, "says Madol. The prevalence of ADHD is higher in men, but the number of women with vigorexia is growing. The treatment involves cognitive behavioral therapy.


Although weightlifting favors the movement of return (which brings blood from the extremities of the body back to the heart), which benefits the circulatory system, the weight used during exercise and muscle hypertrophy also clog this system that has to work harder. This may cause an increase in the caliber of the veins and, in some people, let them bounced, according to Cohen.

Zinc and magnesium

Zinc, present in red meat, beans and eggs, plays an important role in cell renewal. Magnesium deficiency can impair the exercises, because the mineral is involved in energy production and the contraction and muscular relaxation. It is present in whole grains and dark green vegetables. According to nutritionist Mirtes Scantanelli, these minerals improve muscle mass because, theoretically, would favor more rapid restoration of cell protein. "But there is no evidence that supplements consumption accelerates cell renewal," he says. Moreover, the body absorbs and leverages these nutrients when consumed as food.

Colaborou Raquel Botelho - Folha SP

Sunday, April 18, 2010

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AZ Benefit dell'orzo:

Nutritious and tonic - affects the digestive system and nutrition due to its ability of nutrients and promote absorption. The same decoction of barley malt and used in soups are refreshing properties that make them highly valuable nutrients in the diet of vulnerable people, convalescents, elderly and children. It also encourages the absorption of starch by the human body.

Barley contains moderate amounts of phosphorus and is useful, therefore, how many have an intellectual activity and for people nervous.

The active ingredients are present: hordein (alkaloid), Leonard Maltin, starch, phosphorus, calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium.

* anti-inflammatory - affects immune system due to its ability to counteract inflammation. The decoction used as a gargle helps in cases of angina and inflammation of the oral cavity.

* Emollient - in cases of inflammation of the digestive tract (pancreatic and biliary disorders) and the urinary and infectious processes in the intestinal mucosa. * Regulator



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A vineyard in Friuli Venezia Giulia:
is the dream of Gerard Depardieu

would like to find a vineyard in Friuli Venezia Giulia, "so, with two or three friends." The great French actor, spokesperson of the white wines of Friuli Venezia Giulia, in Verona admits to wanting to spend "only the best, such as prosciutto di San Daniele and Frico. The worst of it giving up"

Depardieu CirianiVERONA with Vice-President. Gerard Depardieu dreams of "a small vineyard in Friuli Venezia Giulia, as well, with two or three friends, a kind of 'retreat in a corner of the Italy that he is" a country of miracles, where is the worst and the best in the world. "" I - he says to Vinitaly, in Verona, in Friuli Venezia Giulia on the stand as a testimonial handsomely paid by the Region, while continuing to enhance the Prosciutto di San Daniele and frico - are interested in the better: the worse giving up ".

and to indicate the best things in Italy, Depardieu does not hesitate." Italians - he explains - the people. As people worry about the other, the earth as respects the nature. "And his" small vineyard in Friuli Venezia Giulia?. "" It's a project. We'll see. I'd like. "The French actor, producer of great wines in France and its known worldwide as a refined gourmet already cultivated a vineyard on the island Pantelleria, a monastery, where he produces and Zibibbo Passito. For

Depardieu, "has the energy that's in Friuli Venezia Giulia and its people, a great little area: small in size - said on the stand made by Turismo FVG - great for people who live and products it offers, such as wood that the region chose to build his stand, warm and clear. "

Vinitaly French actor speaks without hesitation of the great love he has for all regions of Italy." I like to bring house the treasures of the gastronomy of each region of Italy '- he says - to be able to prepare new dishes. "

Even with the frico?" I do not know - he admits - and I was very impressed. We will use this to make a dish - anticipates turning to his friend, chef Lorenzo Audiot of 'La Fontaine Gaillon' de Paris, and the Vice-President of the Friuli Venezia Giulia, Luca Ciriani - perhaps with asparagus, olive oil, a piece of grilled polenta. .. and that's it. "

For the French actor Gerard Depardieu, is the Collio Bianco 2009 'Zuani' holding of Patrizia Felluga of San Floriano del Collio (Gorizia), the Top White Wine of Friuli Venezia Giulia Vinitaly 2010. Depardieu has chosen after a tasting "blind", that covered the bottles with the labels, who made today at the booth of Friuli Venezia Giulia Vinitaly.

"The best thing about these wines - said Depardieu - is being made respecting nature. It 'hard to choose. Each of these glasses is like a beautiful woman is hard to choose. "

A Friulian wine you have ever helped to seduce a woman, asked shortly after a fan while the actor was leaving the Vinitaly in a real huge crowd. "Of course it is, many times. Can not you see I'm full of women, "she said pointing to the girls around him.

Zuani is a blend that takes its name from the hill where the vineyards are born. E 'consists of Friulano, Chardonnay, Sauvignon and Pinot Grigio, "but - says Patrizia Felluga - the ingredients are the real earth, the atmosphere, passion, love, strength, persone del territorio che produce it. Poi ciascun vignaiolo mette la sensibilité your questions and fa sì che la nostra Doc diventi nel mondo big apprezzata, anche senza leggere l'etichetta.
(10 aprile 2010)

Brent Everett & Brent Corrigan (part 2/3)

diet rich in white bread increases the risk of myocardial

Two major studies released this week to rekindle discussion of the risks to the cardiovascular system, the high consumption of refined carbohydrates found in white breads and biscuits.

The first study investigated the relationship between infarction and Diets low in saturated fat (already linked to heart problems) but rich in carbohydrates. The researchers, from Denmark, followed 53,644 adults during 12. The research concluded that for every 5% increase in carbohydrate in the diet, there was a 33% greater risk of myocardial infarction. This result was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

"Carbohydrates with high glycemic index increase the chances of cardiovascular problems by causing inflammation, dyslipidemia [changes in cholesterol] and dysfunction in the vessel walls," he told Sheet Marianne Jakobsen, nutrition specialist and research leader.

The other paper was published in the Archives of Internal Medicine "and called the risk of disease in the arteries Heart to excessive consumption of refined carbohydrates, but only for women. For men, there were no changes arising from the diet. The study also concludes that the risk of heart disease, it is more the fact that carbohydrate intake be high glycemic index than the total amount of carbohydrates consumed. The researchers followed more than 47 000 volunteers for seven years in Italy.

Foods with high glycemic index are thus called for the ability to quickly increase the levels of blood glucose. With this, the body releases high doses of insulin, causing glucose to fall rapidly and leading to an early sensation of hunger.

For Daniel Magnoni, nutrition specialist and a cardiologist at the Heart Hospital, the habit of consuming excess carbohydrates with high glycemic index overloads and damages the pancreas, the organ responsible for insulin production, and can lead to obesity. "The causes of heart disease are many, and this may be a risk factor," said Magnoni.

To preserve the pancreas, it is best to feed nutrients to the most complex, are slow to be absorbed. "Over 5,000 years ago, you would not eat refined sugar. This kind of diet is which leads to diseases of modern society. "

Increasing obesity in the U.S. is an example of what happens when you exchange saturated fats, which contribute to the increase in" bad "cholesterol, carbohydrates, says cardiologist Raul Dias dos Santos, director of Cardiology Society of São Paulo: "There was a significant reduction of cholesterol in the population in recent years, but sharp rise in obesity and other associated problems."

Doctors recommend that the daily diet is composed of 60% carbohydrates, preferably low glycemic index, and by 7% saturated fat.

Por serem digeridos rapidamente, os produtos com alto índice glicêmico levam a uma maior ingestão de calorias e consequente ganho de peso. A gordura acumulada pode liberar maior quantidade de ácidos graxos, que se alojam no fígado. Esse cenário pode piorar os índices do colesterol "ruim" e aumentar as taxas de açúcar no sangue (o organismo desenvolve resistência à insulina).

O tecido adiposo no abdômen também estimula processos inflamatórios nos vasos sanguíneos, favorecendo a formação de placas nas paredes.

Pesquisas anteriores já associaram o maior consumo de carboidratos refinados ao aumento nos índices triglycerides in the blood - another marker of cardiovascular risk.

Women with high levels of triglycerides have twice the risk of heart disease than men.

collaborated Deborah Mismetti

Report of Local