Friday, December 31, 2010

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E 'began the new year, and start the production FISA:
In the new Comic Strip, you will see a change of' aspect of our friends Michael and Victor, which were renovated for the occasion and to greet the year 2011, hoping that ports such as 2010, many fresh and interesting news!

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New year, new life!

finito.Ma The 2010 is how many things have happened this year?
Many, many, would be difficult to list them ... but the thing that I regret is that he could have done piĆ¹.Infatti, production FISA contained in the archives, it is still little, very little, there is much to fare.In these months in which we appeared less active, we actually started working on several projects (of any kind, and you'll see), which will be reflected all over the next 365 days.
But meanwhile, as we anticipate change, graphically, the FISA.
The main logo will remain the current year, which was adopted on 1 June 2010, although often you will see a completely new logo, which You can already see in the previews on the side. Good Vision
The branch also changes logo, more elegant and with an intro very similar to precedente.Naturalmente, will undergo a change also the initials of the cartoons.
Same thing goes for the initials of the comics, the same as their own exactly one year from January 1, 2010, and will suffer a sharp rinfescata, unlike in the past, all the Comic Strips and Comic Stories have a code is always the same and not "custom" as in what 2010.Tutto to speed up a job, every time, requires a large amount of time.
The branch of the films will not change its introduction, as even that of the branch FISA Horror. The branch
FISA spot dissociates from the general change, primarily because it has already a new look (which would be foolish to change), and secondly because the restyling touches only the most active branches of FISA.
No changes planned for the broadcaster CBC.
The company's YouTube channel has already been a nice touch, when the new year.
Congratulations, then, again, for a happy, peaceful and productive 2011!

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Happy New Year! Merry Christmas 2010

Buon anno

Thursday, December 30, 2010

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year draws to a close, friends: there are, in fact, just over 24 hours to 2011!
From the evening of December 31, 2010, the FISA blog will carry out its first review after three years of stylistic vita.Una all new graphics as a good omen for a year to be full of news and products!
ends, then, after seven months, the "splendid isolation" in which I had dropped and that has influenced (positively) the production FISA.
Start a new course, which I hope will be even better!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

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Thursday, December 23, 2010

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The direction FISA wishes all its viewers a Merry Christmas and hope that these two days can result in apparent expressions of mutual affection between the people across the mondo.Che peace always be with us all.

Monday, December 20, 2010

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Christmas holidays

Dear friends and friends, another year is drawing to a close, and I must admit to being very pleased with how it is spent in 2010 (leaving out the emotional problems, very hard to swallow, but certainly important in my maturation, which has always been slower motion of the solar system revolve around the Milky Way). From next year, we expect many new comics, and created a new set of strips especially for the giovanissimi.Mi really hope that they can reach many new interesting, informative and educative.Auguro therefore, all of you a Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 13, 2010

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The Adventures of Jane, the statue of Concordia

friends and girlfriends, the branch of the ultimate comic FISA announces the arrival of the last Comic Story of 2010, which cost two and half months of work and fully realized by Francesco Paci. In the city of
Casepoli happens one day, an unfortunate event: FISA has disappeared from home a part of the archive, and no one knows where she went to finire.Ipotizzando theft, the director Francesco Paci warn his friend Joan, asking her to investigate the matter. Will the young teenager to complete his tenure? Find out by reading the new story!
Also this year, therefore, we concluded with fumetti.Stiamo preparing the new designations for 2011, when it begins a new era for the Italian factory stripes Animate.Preferisco not anticipate anything, as it is, and must remain, a surprise!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

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"logical deduction"

Our friends are back to make us laugh with a new test-shot, the last in 2010! drawings, inking and assembly of the branch Francis Paci.Distribuito FISA Comics.
From next year, both the Comic Strips Comic Stories that will be completely renovated, and also will get a new "sub-branch" of the second series of comics aforementioned .
See you soon!

Friday, December 10, 2010

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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

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"Oh, Mother" (an old song FISALIANA)

delighted to review branch of the screens on these cartoons, let's enjoy a new work by Francesco Paci, for purely vintage, taken from a Sicilian-known song ("There's the moon in menzu 'u mari") re-recorded in American English, the short film is dedicated to the love among the young.
All by Francesco Paci (installation, inking and drawings), the cardboard is distributed by branch Good Vision.

Monday, December 6, 2010

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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

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The map grid

presentation on geographic coordinates was used during a geography lesson, with the help of the blackboard interactive.
Obviously, it can be useful only if accompanied by an oral explanation.
Unfortunately, when I loaded up AuthorStream some animations have been changed or lost, as well as the layout and correct original alphabetic characters. However, I hope it will be useful to someone else and serve for a review by of pupils.
to advance the presentation is to click the right arrow in the lower (warning: before you move from one slide to the next, you have to wait until the end of the animation effects).

See more presentations by the world has dealt at length about this difficult and important task. It was called 'Working Group of the Commission on Human Rights. " After years of discussion, this group has written a text which was concluded in 1990 and is called the "International Convention on the Rights of
. The nations that agree with the contents of the Convention
means that countries undertake to respect the rights written in the text
. It's like when you make a promise to someone, whether it is serious, you do everything to maintain it.
Read the text of the Convention on the Rights of Children , posted on the UNICEF website.

Friday, November 19, 2010

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Sunday, November 14, 2010

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Children's rights

This is the story of a typical day of a Sumerian scholar, found on a tablet, which shows how it was severe and strict school education.
When I got up early in the morning, I turned to my mother and said: my mother gave me two cakes and I went to school. At school, the Director of punctuality said "Why are you late?" I was scared and my heart beat me,
I entered before my master and I bow.
My manager read my tablet, said:
"We're missing something" about beating me. The charge of silence
"Why speak without permission?" About beating me. The responsible conduct of
"Why did you get up without permission?" About beating me. The person in charge of the whip
"Why did you take this without permission?" About beating me. The task of Sumerian
"Why do not you speak Sumerian?" About beating me.
My teacher said
"Your hand is not good," about beating me.

(Source: Wikipedia)

Saturday, November 6, 2010

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Friday, November 5, 2010

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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

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A Sumerian scholar said ...


Mesopotamia is a region of Asia where it is very hot and it almost never rains. There are, however, two important rivers: the

the Euphrates and Tigris

. The name Mesopotamia, in fact, means "land between two rivers."
The territory
In southern Mesopotamia, about 5500 years ago, settled the people of Sumer
. The territory in which they decided to live was occupied by swamps, that is muddy and wet. The Sumerians reclaimed, that made him dry farmland. To do this, they observed the rivers at certain times of winter and spring the water was abundant, so overflowing, that is flooded, flooded, the neighboring land and destroying crops. The Sumerians built
levees and dams
to prevent damage to farmland and rivers to store water for periods when there was no rain and the rivers were dry.
I channels: they are digging. The water enters the canals and flooded fields, so it can be carried and used also in fields away from the River. The banks
: walls are made of earth (or brick) made along the banks of rivers so as not to leave the water. The dams: the walls are high. Stop the water from a river and they go into an artificial lake, built by man. The collected water is used in summer, when there is little in the rivers.
economic activities
The Sumerians used the '

plow. The oxen pulled, that pulled the plow. With the Sumerian farmers plow plowing (working) fields and arable land.
The crops were: the
cereal (barley, wheat), the legumes (peas), the vegetable
cotton, fruit plants. The Sumerians
raised the
oxen, the sheep the goats, the pigs and
donkeys. The Sumerians were also hunters and fishermen. The Sumerians were also very good craftsmen . Produced wool fabrics, clothes , ceramics, jewelry
weapons, tools, ie tools for working stone, wood and metals. In Mesopotamia, however, there were no metals, stones or timber, ie the raw materials required for the work of artisans. So the Sumerians merchants went to take the raw materials in other countries. At the same time in those countries door to sell their products . For this reason trade was well developed. Sumerian merchants traveling on small boats or sailing boats along rivers or on foot, carts and donkeys transporting goods.

The most important buildings of the Sumerian cities were the king's palace and the temple, whose name was
The temple was very large and you could see from afar. On top of the ziggurat:
● priests celebrating rituals, reciting prayers and perform actions that demonstrate respect for the gods; ● priests watched the stars and the movements of the planets. Inside
of the ziggurat were: ● warehouses to store crops and goods, ● workshops of artisans;
● the shops of traders. So
the ziggurat was also the economic center of the city
, the place where craftsmen and merchants were selling the products produced.
The homes of poor people had one or two rooms. The garden was on the back. The houses of rich families were on two floors and had more rooms. The yard was inside. They had few windows, which does not face towards the road. The furniture was: the bed, chairs, stools, chests and the chests for storing household linen, clothing, jewelry.

The government and society
As we have said, each was a Sumerian city state. Initially it was ruled by a priest. It was later ruled by a king.

The king was the head. Then there were the priests, the nobles (rich and considered important), officials (who helped the king to administer the city), the scribes (Educated people who could read, write and do arithmetic operations) and the military.
The king took the decision for all his subjects, he dictated the laws. If the subjects did not obey the law, decided the punishment. The king commanded the army. For his subjects represented the gods on earth.
The most important subjects were: ● priests were running the church and organized religious ceremonies;
● nobles: administered the land (instead of the king);
● officials and scribes controlled documents, collected taxes, collecting the produce of the land to be preserved in the stores ... ●
the military: defending the territory.
The other subjects were: merchants, craftsmen, farmers, ranchers.
Finally there were the slaves, men and women who had become prisoners in war or who could not pay their debts.
The invention of the wheel
Craftsmen Sumerians also invented the wheel

. At first used the wheel to make vessels more quickly. Then they also built wagons with wheels. Therefore people and goods could travel with ease!
The invention of writing
In 3200 BC (about 5200 years ago) about the Sumerians invented writing.
To them it was necessary, that it was absolutely necessary, count and record all goods arriving at the temple from the countryside, the cattle (ie the set of all domestic animals, as oxen, cows, sheep ...) artifacts (ie, the objects constructed by craftsmen). They had to find a way to remember which and how many products coming, count the goods sold or purchased ...
The Sumerians were the top marks on clay tablets. The clay can score easily, because it is not too hard. The clay tablets were for the Sumerians as a block of notes for you. Here are the three stages of this important invention: 1. at first were invented
pictograms, that is, small drawings of objects: for example, pointed ears corn or other grains;
2. later Sumerians needed to invent another way and other signs to indicate the ideas. The little drawing of the "mouth", for example, could also mean "speak" a drawing of a foot could mean "go": that is, were invented
characters, drawings representing a concept (an action, an idea )
3. Finally, since it was not easy to draw on clay, spread the habit of drawing pictures simplified, made up of small triangles in the shape of
wedge, which was the pole used to write. For this reason, the writing of the Sumerians took the name cuneiform
. At the time of the Sumerians was very difficult to learn to write because there were 600 different characters! The person who wanted to learn to write was to go to school for many years and eventually became a scribe.
The Sumerians were polytheists

, that is believed in many gods (one hundred). The most important deity
were: the sky god Anu, Enlil god of air, the earth goddess Inanna and Enki the water god. Sky, air, land and water are the four elements of nature.
Each city had its own patron god and the city belong to God. In the temple the people came to pray to the gods.
ancient Mesopotamia when the temple deity was male, the high priest, the priest that is most important, was a woman, and if the deity was female, the high priest was a man.

can play a fun activity to get in the Sumerians

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The civilization of the Sumerians

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Monday, November 1, 2010

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Have fun! To make poetry

Roberto Quilts has been a teacher, writer, puppeteer and actor, he worked for television and cinema. He writes poetry and organizes activities for children. Here he explains how to do poetry. For poetry

poetry takes a p
Planer, pasta, stone
then take one or
as now, shadow, horizon, then take a

such as grass, ivy, exile
then take a s
as sun, salt, silence, then take a
as I Island, Icarus,
then take to a
like water , orange wing, then put them together
without hatred, without boredom,
without haste, without anger, without
B In the fourth we tried to write a recipe for poetry and explain what it is, for us, the poetry.
Recipe to make poetry

Take a word, take two
cook them as if they were slices
warmed to rapid fire
paid smoothie sprinkled with some fancy

put chili extrapiccante
and let go as a butterfly.
Federica G.

With eyes shining with rainbow colored fingers
hear wonderful thoughts and gentle words
smell of a thousand scents
savor harmonious verses.


With eyes in the stars

with your fingers in the world
hear lively thoughts
smell sweet words
savor milk and honey.

Try it!
(... and send us your results in way of comment, if you want)
Recipe to make poetry

Take a word, take two
cook them as ... heat ...
pepper ...
dusted ...
put ...
and let go ...

With eyes ...

with your fingers ...
hear thoughts ... sniff words ...
savor ...

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

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Dear officers,
We invite you to prefer the online channel for the transmission of your orders.

For orders placed via mail, fax and order form
as all communications relating to
( which, remember, amounted to 12 for amounts less than EURO 120 EURO )
so 'as the total amounts and points of your orders.

invite also
all those who have not yet done
to send your email address.

Some of your valuable understanding and cooperation
wish all
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Monday, October 11, 2010

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