Friday, December 31, 2010

How To Make Crepes With Krusteaz Costco

New year, new life!

finito.Ma The 2010 is how many things have happened this year?
Many, many, would be difficult to list them ... but the thing that I regret is that he could have done piĆ¹.Infatti, production FISA contained in the archives, it is still little, very little, there is much to fare.In these months in which we appeared less active, we actually started working on several projects (of any kind, and you'll see), which will be reflected all over the next 365 days.
But meanwhile, as we anticipate change, graphically, the FISA.
The main logo will remain the current year, which was adopted on 1 June 2010, although often you will see a completely new logo, which You can already see in the previews on the side. Good Vision
The branch also changes logo, more elegant and with an intro very similar to precedente.Naturalmente, will undergo a change also the initials of the cartoons.
Same thing goes for the initials of the comics, the same as their own exactly one year from January 1, 2010, and will suffer a sharp rinfescata, unlike in the past, all the Comic Strips and Comic Stories have a code is always the same and not "custom" as in what 2010.Tutto to speed up a job, every time, requires a large amount of time.
The branch of the films will not change its introduction, as even that of the branch FISA Horror. The branch
FISA spot dissociates from the general change, primarily because it has already a new look (which would be foolish to change), and secondly because the restyling touches only the most active branches of FISA.
No changes planned for the broadcaster CBC.
The company's YouTube channel has already been a nice touch, when the new year.
Congratulations, then, again, for a happy, peaceful and productive 2011!


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