Sunday, November 14, 2010

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Children's rights

This is the story of a typical day of a Sumerian scholar, found on a tablet, which shows how it was severe and strict school education.
When I got up early in the morning, I turned to my mother and said: my mother gave me two cakes and I went to school. At school, the Director of punctuality said "Why are you late?" I was scared and my heart beat me,
I entered before my master and I bow.
My manager read my tablet, said:
"We're missing something" about beating me. The charge of silence
"Why speak without permission?" About beating me. The responsible conduct of
"Why did you get up without permission?" About beating me. The person in charge of the whip
"Why did you take this without permission?" About beating me. The task of Sumerian
"Why do not you speak Sumerian?" About beating me.
My teacher said
"Your hand is not good," about beating me.

(Source: Wikipedia)


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