Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Kates Playgrounds Christmas

The Alps

The Italian Alps extend for about 1200 km in length.
The shape of the Alps is to arch, the side facing Italy is short and steep.
Traditionally, the Alps are divided into three parts: the Western Alps , Central and Eastern . The first should be from Colle di Cadibona in Liguria near the Gulf of Genoa, the Pass of Ferret, in Piedmont, Central Alps range from pitch to Colle di Ferret Resia, Trentino Alto Adige, ranging from the eastern Alps to the nearby Hill of Resia the city of Gorizia, in Friuli Venezia Giulia.

The climate of the Alps is characterized by long, cold winters with heavy snowfall, short summers and cool. The higher the altitude the temperature decreases, that is colder.
About 3000 meters above sea level is the limit of perpetual snow means that the heat can not melt completely the accumulated snow in winter, ice formed also very extensive.

Flora, meaning all plants, changes as you climb higher.
Between 600 and 1000 meters above sea level meet chestnut, beech, oak, between 1000 and 2000 meters growing pines, above 2000 meters are vast grasslands used for grazing cows, around 3000 meters survive only mosses and lichens, above 3000 meters, the mountains are covered with snow and ice did not melt at all (permanent snow), can form vast glaciers.
in the Italian Alps, however, the presence of characteristic trees decreased because of human intervention, which in many areas has almost eliminated them.

The fauna, the set of animals, a characteristic of the Alps consists of ibex, chamois, roe deer and rare, in limited areas, brown bears.
Many rodents (marmots, snow voles, hares, snow), the small animals that feed on insects (alpine shrew), weasels, stoats and birds, the griffin by the golden eagle (now rare) , a crag, tits, blackbirds Alpine, crows, partridges, grouse.

The main economic activity in tourism, farming and cattle industry of milk processing, wood processing, production of hydroelectric power, mining of salt and iron ore.
Thanks to the many steps, or passes, which allow communication between Italy and other European countries, the Alps have been an area of \u200b\u200btransit trade since ancient times.


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