Sunday, January 16, 2011

Satellite Indian Frequency List

Verses on winter

The sky is low

The sky is low, the clouds in the air, a Snowflake
between climbing a roof or a lane
can not decide. A wind
mean everything the day complaining
how someone dealt with;
nature, like us, you leave sometimes surprising
without his crown.
(E. Dickinson)

flower snow

from heaven all the angels
saw the barren fields
without leaves or flowers in the heart and read
of children who love the white.
shook its wings to fly
tired and then descended the slight slight
floral snow.
(Umberto Saba)

The dance of snow

the fields and roads and mild
wheeling, snow falls
. Dance
the water in the large white
heaven joke,
then rests on the ground
motionless in a thousand forms
rooftops and chimneys,
on stones and gardens
sleeping. All of
around is peace
closed in deep oblivion,
indifferent world
(Ada Negri)

Tree dry

A dry tree outside my window
lever in the cold sky
its branches brown:
The sandy wind, snow and frost
not can hurt him. Every day that tree
gives me thoughts of joy from those dead branches
guess the green ahead.
(W. Ya-p 'ing)


snow that swirls up and wrap things
of tacit mantle.
snow that falls from above, and we still cover
cable covers, ad infinitum: Whitening
the city with houses, churches,
the harbor with ships,
expanses of meadows ... ..
(Umberto Saba)


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